What Does And Does Not Qualify As Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice?
The fact that a surgery may have been elective doesn’t mean that surgeons and other medical professionals can’t be held liable when something goes wrong. However, you can’t succeed in a malpractice lawsuit simply because you don’t like how the surgery turned out. Instead, you must prove that the surgery harmed you because the surgeon or another medical professional breached a duty of care.
If you are unhappy with the results of a facelift, tummy tuck, breast augmentation or another type of plastic surgery, your displeasure doesn’t necessarily mean that your surgeon was negligent in performing the procedure. If, however, your surgery resulted in a secondary harmful medical condition or a loved one’s surgery resulted in death, you may be able to sue your surgeon or other medical professionals for compensation.
There are several risks and complications of plastic surgery that can happen if a surgeon doesn’t take adequate care in performing the procedure.
- Infection. Cellulitis is one such infection – in this case, of the skin – that can happen after cosmetic surgery, particularly breast augmentation surgery. Other infections are possible as well and can be dangerous or even lead to death.
- Anesthesia. Improper dosing of anesthesia or an adverse reaction to anesthesia drugs can cause complications that can be potentially serious or even fatal. A condition known as “anesthesia awareness” can also occur, in which a person wakes up during surgery, but may be unable to move or communicate his or her degree of consciousness.
- Blood pooling. Blood or blood serum can pool as a result of ruptured blood vessels, leading to bruising, infection, pain and swelling.
- Nerve or organ damage. Surgical errors that damage nerves can lead to loss of sensation, numbness or tingling. Organ damage can impair bodily functions and, in severe cases, be disabling.
Procedures that are performed in office or at spas may place people at an increased risk of injury. Additionally, cosmetic surgeons or medical professionals performing procedures with only a general medical license may place patients at increased risk of harm; certified plastic surgeons have specialized training that may reduce risk to the patient.
Call The Lawyers Who Take Cosmetic Surgery Injuries Seriously
If you’ve suffered harm as a result of a cosmetic surgery error, there is help. In Bergen County and northern New Jersey, call our law firm, Breslin & Breslin, for a free initial consultation with a medical malpractice lawyer. You can reach us via phone at 201-546-5881 or write to us using our online form