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Damage To The Brachial Plexus Can Lead To Erb’s Palsy

Erb’s palsy is caused by severe damage to the brachial plexus, a bundle of five nerves in the shoulder that relay messages from the brain to the arm and hand. While anyone who suffers a severe shoulder injury can develop Erb’s palsy, it is most often associated with shoulder dystocia during labor and delivery.

At Breslin & Breslin, our medical malpractice attorneys help clients in Bergen County and northern New Jersey whose children have suffered birth injuries such as Erb’s palsy due to medical negligence. Reach out to us in Hackensack to learn more about how our trial skills and long tradition of client service can help you get the answers and justice you deserve.

How Shoulder Dystocia Can Lead To Erb’s Palsy

Shoulder dystocia occurs when a baby’s head has been delivered but its shoulders become stuck within the vaginal canal or behind the mother’s pelvis. Brachial plexus injury is often caused by an improper use of forceps or a vacuum extractor to relieve shoulder dystocia. A failure to react quickly can also lead to oxygen deprivation, which may in turn result in infant brain damage and cerebral palsy.

While some types of physical and occupational therapy can help children develop muscle strength to compensate for a brachial plexus injury, permanently damaged nerves almost never heal completely. Children with Erb’s palsy often face lifelong disability due to the partial or complete paralysis in at least one arm.

If The Damage Occurred Due To Negligence, You Deserve Compensation

While it can be difficult to predict whether shoulder dystocia will be a risk factor during birth, when it occurs, attending physicians and nurses must act quickly to deliver the baby safely.

At Breslin & Breslin, our lawyers can help you get answers and determine whether a failure to respond or mismanaged procedure led to your child’s birth injury. We can seek counsel and analysis from top medical experts to determine whether your medical team may have departed from the established standards of care. If so, we are ready to pursue maximum financial compensation on your family’s behalf.

Get Answers In A Free Consultation – Contact An RN Attorney At Breslin & Breslin

If your child has been diagnosed with Erb’s palsy and you believe negligent labor and delivery may have played a role, contact Breslin & Breslin for a free consultation. Call us at 201-546-5881 today.

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