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Swimming Pool Safety

On Behalf of | Jul 12, 2019 | Personal Injury

Many of us enjoy backyard swimming pools and hot tubs in the summer months. However, if proper safety precautions are not taken, swimming can be an extremely dangerous pastime, especially for children. Tragically, over 200 young children drown in swimming pools and hot tubs each year. The following guidelines can help prevent these horrific accidents from happening:

1. Make sure your pool is surrounded by a fence or barrier of at least four feet tall with a self-closing latch that children cannot enter on their own. Make sure your pool is covered when not in use and remove any ladders that allow for easy access.

2. Children must be supervised in the pool and within arm’s length at all times. Never allow children to swim alone and consider a Coast Guard-approved life jacket for children and inexperienced swimmers.

3. Ensure everyone in your household knows how to swim by taking swim classes. Also, ensure everyone in the household knows how to respond to pool-related emergencies and can properly perform CPR.

4. Keep your pool and hot tub clean and clear. Maintain proper chemical levels, circulation and filtration.

5. Establish and enforce a clear set of rules such as “No Running”; “No Diving”; and “Stay Away from Drain Covers”

If you or a loved one has been injured in a swimming pool accident, contact the trusted and experienced personal injury attorneys at Breslin and Breslin today.

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