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Head injuries in car wrecks can produce life-long impacts

On Behalf of | Oct 23, 2019 | Firm News

People who are involved in a car wreck sometimes think that they aren’t at risk of a brain injury because they didn’t hit their head. This isn’t always the case. It is imperative to know some of the signs of brain injuries and what you should do if you notice them.

Always remember that a brain injury won’t necessarily show up at the time of the accident. You may notice them days or even weeks after the wreck, so be sure that you remain vigilant and seek medical care right away if you notice something is amiss.

What can cause a brain injury in a crash?

There are a few different ways that a brain injury can occur during a crash. The head can strike an object. Something might penetrate the skull. The whipping motion of the head at the time of impact can cause tissues in the brain to become strained and stretched, and it can also lead to the brain slamming against the skull.

What symptoms signal a brain injury?

One of the most common symptoms of a brain injury is a headache. Some people might lose consciousness, have vision or hearing changes, feel confused, or experience concentration difficulties. Other symptoms, such as irritation or mood swings can occur. Because the range of symptoms is so vast, anyone who thinks they might have a brain injury should seek medical care.

How are brain injuries measured?

Medical professionals use the Glasgow Coma Scale (GSC) to determine the severity of the injury. This is a scored system that looks at specific factors like the ability to open the eyes, the type of response to verbal stimulus and how people move. Scores that are higher mean the injury isn’t as severe. Patients with very low scores are in a coma.

The GCS is only one tool that can help to gauge the severity of a brain injury. Doctors can also use imaging tests like CT scans or MRIs. They will consider the type of accident and the circumstances to evaluate what’s going on.

Brain injuries can produce long-term impacts to the victim’s life. They might require extensive medical care and returning to work may not be possible. The costs of these injuries are often high, so some people choose to seek compensation from the individual who struck them.

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