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Safety advice for New Jersey pedestrian trick-or-treaters

On Behalf of | Oct 26, 2012 | Personal Injury

According to 2006-2010 statistics from the U.S. Department of Transportation, more fatal accidents involving pedestrians under the age of 21 occurred on Oct. 31 than on the neighboring days. Given that statistic, New Jersey parents are advised to take extra precautions for Halloween safety. Possible safety measures may include parental supervision, regular cell phone check-ins, and reflective clothing.

No pedestrian should have to share the road with a negligent driver. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents continue to happen in New Jersey, often resulting in serious injury or death. The causes can be varied: driver inattention, lack of proper road signs, a defect in the road, or another type of negligence. Accidents can happen in a split second, and drivers who are not following traffic signs, obeying the speed limit, or refraining from texting while driving can be a menace to pedestrians.

For pedestrians injured at the hands of negligent parties, compensation may be available for their injuries in a personal injury suit. For families of individuals in fatal pedestrian accidents, a wrongful death claim may be available. In either scenario, an experienced criminal defense attorney can review the facts of the case and investigate all sources of evidence, such as police reports, to determine the potential areas of driver liability.

While no court action will make up for the pain of a pedestrian accident, a successful civil suit can bring some sense of justice to the matter. In addition, an award in such a civil suit may also include medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. An attorney can ensure that you obtain the recovery you deserve.

Source: AP News, “Halloween risks: Cars, sports (not tainted candy),” Beth J. Harpaz, Oct. 16, 2012

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