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Lawsuit: faulty diagnosis led to unnecessary mastectomy

On Behalf of | Apr 13, 2012 | Personal Injury

After undergoing an unnecessary bilateral mastectomy to remove a benign tumor, a woman has filed a personal injury lawsuit against the doctor that mistakenly diagnosed her tumor as malignant. Because of the negligence she encountered during the breast cancer diagnosis process, the woman claims, she needlessly suffered pain, disability, disfigurement and lost wages, for which she is seeking damages.

According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff underwent an ultrasound and a guided breast biopsy in March 2010. Following her tests, her treating physician diagnosed the biopsied tumor as malignant and informed the plaintiff that she had invasive mammary carcinoma.

Believing that she had a dangerous tumor and an aggressive form of cancer, the plaintiff underwent a bilateral mastectomy just a few weeks later.

Following the procedure, the plaintiff learned that the tumor removed during the surgery was actually benign and, as such, did not pose a threat to her health.

As a result of the doctor’s negligence, the plaintiff claims, she has suffered permanent disability, pain, mental anguish and disfigurement, and has incurred unnecessary medical costs. In addition, she has been unable to attend to her normal duties and has lost wages. In her lawsuit, the plaintiff has named her treating physician as a defendant, as well as the hospital and cancer care center. She has also named the surgeon that performed the unnecessary mastectomy and the medical facility at which the procedure took place.

If you or a family member has undergone an unnecessary medical procedure due to the mistake of a doctor or surgeon, please contact Breslin & Breslin for a free consultation with an attorney.

Source: The Madison Record, “Springfield woman sues in St. Clair County claiming doctor performed mastectomy on benign tumor,” Kelly Holleran, Apr. 4, 2012

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